Sunday, February 4, 2018

I guess it's been a while....

My nostalgia must be at an all time high. I'm listening to Beyoncé's first solo album. I think it came out in 2003, so tonight is full throwback mode. I"m trying to decide on what to do about blogging. I find myself sad that some of my favorite bloggers haven't updated in quite a while, though I'm deeply guilty of having completely and utterly fallen out of blogging, I have come back over the years to check on some of my faves to see how things have progress. I wish I could say an urge to write overcame me and brought me back to the blog, but that's not what happened. My uncle in California sent me some poetry today. The writing was good and made me consider to send him some back. I thought, it's been so long since I've written anything at all, where the heck would I find any of my stuff? Then it occurred to me that I had once posted a few things on my blog a while back and I should saunter over and look up something that may be halfway decent to send. Well, I started re-reading posts rather than look for the aforementioned poetry. It was painful of the embarrassing sort and comical in a self-deprecating way to re-read my life so long ago. That brought on the urge to try to log back into my blog. It took quite of bit of maneuvering and dredging up of ancient email accounts and passwords. But I eventually made it back in, though I guess that's somewhat obvious by the post, huh? I think it's weird that my first LGBT community was faceless and nameless. I met and connected to many of you through words alone, through my little digital distress signal being broadcast. It's my deep hope that you are all well and thriving. -E