Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween, Hoes, Hit & Run, and Horniness

So, it dawned on me that I had not shared the excitement surrounding my Halloween party. So it started with my friend and I [we were hosting it together] going to a party store. We bought a bunch of decorations and went to redecorate for the party. After spending an hour moving furniture, checking lighting, arguing over what music to play, and who NOT to invite, we finished and I went to Work. I slaved as work, trying all the while to be nice to customers while counting down to the party. Finally at 9:30 we were all done and I escaped.

We decided to change the location to my best friend Tiffany's house since it was easier to rigg up our stuff there. When I arrive from work she had everything ready to receive guests. I had gotten myself ready for all the party hoes [see previous posts for definition], but my friends had other plans for me. I had a so-so day at work and wanted alcohol in my system, so I had three beers, five shots, two smirnoffs and a tooter within 10 minutes of walking in the door. I received several strange looks from my friends, who seemed like they wanted to sign me up for the next AA meeting. I ignored them and slid to the floor. I like to dance, but I am painfully shy, so the booze helped me disregard the other ppl in the room. I ended up pinning a co-worker against the wall and grinding on her...there are pictures of it on myspace.....

I figured that I would just chill for the rest of the night and mind my business, but no, Tiffany had plans for me. She decided that she wanted me and the Valerie to hook up. So that was the plan, but there was a problem. Valerie up and disappeared. We went looking for her, and I kinda lost interest in her. Meanwhile the party was to get far more interesting as we moved to the breezeway outside and began getting uninvited visitors. We didn't mind though, there was plenty to drink and we even had snacks to eat. One guy was tore up when he got there, and as we were on the third story I was surprised that he even made to our party. He tried to push up some of the girls, but they weren't feeling him. Eventually he and Valerie started dancing together. They fell on the floor and somehow ended up with their pants down [don't ask me how]. Luckily Tiffany swooped in and stopped something Valerie might regret. She was so drunk that I doubt that she would have remembered.

I snuck out as the party wound down and called my little brother. I'm not really sure why I called him, but he and I are really close, so he talked to me as I walked back to my apartment [which is only across the parking lot from the party]. I knew that I had taken in too many spirits in a short time and I have a famously strong alcohol tolerance, but I forgot to eat so I could feel the beer and shots of bacardi and rum swirling around in my tummy. I laid down in my bathroom thinking that I was going to vomit, but nothing ever came out and I feel asleep. I woke up an hour later and heard lots of noise. The guy who had come to my party completely fucked up hit four cars on his way out of the parking lot. It turns out that he had taken 6 zanex [sp?], 6 shots, and smoked 6 blunts BEFORE coming to my party and consuming more alcohol. I don't know how the hell he did it but he made it home alive; too bad he lived across the street from my best friend's boyfriend's cousin. They reported the dumb fuck.

At this point I climbed into the bed. I was tired as hell from the party. Then I threw up. I was mad as hell. I spent two hours hoovering over a toliet in my bathroom and nothing comes, then when I get ready to go to bed THEN it happens. Luckily I had enough sense to lean over my bed. I grabbed one of the shopping bags that I had gotten from worked and made my deposit. Some of it got on my laptop bag, which made me pissed, but a trip to the washer cleared that up. I awoke the next day to "what the hell happened to you" talks from my bestfriend and her boyfriend. I told that I left to avoid sleeping with Valerie, but the truth is that I probably woulda hit that if I had found her...uh. The story also traveled fast to my job, cause the next day four co-workers told that they heard what happened and wished that they had come. I told them that they'll bring their asses when I throw a New Year's Party, but I was BS-ing.

So now a week after the party I have decided to find some one. I'm absolutely jealous of AJ over at AJ's ramblings. It sounds like he has a hot thing going with Matt. So now I am in the process of scouting someone for me, not sure exactly what I'll find, but I'll blog when I see him.


Aek said...

Alcohol affects me strangely. I appear to have a high-ish tolerance, but it's pretty middle-of-the-road (which is saying a lot, as I have a MUCH higher tolerance than most Asians). Anyway, I have a sort of delayed response to alcohol, by about 2 hours, when it hits me all at once.

I'm also jealous of AJ, haha. Happy for him, yes, but jealous.

J said...

i think we're all jealous of aj and matt